playa - boss | saints row (2006)

At a Glance

Frank is a tall man, with dark tan skin, short, straight, light brown hair, light blue eyes, and arched brows. Younger Frank (SR1-2 era) is muscular and toned, but as he ages, he puts on weight that gives him a thicker waist. He has resting bitch face and his eyes often appear half-lidded as though tired, or bored. He has beauty marks on his face and body, notably near his left eye, right cheekbone and jaw. He has a "Mom" tattoo on his right shoulder, a "Saints" tattoo on his left shoulder, a fleur on his neck, and a poorly self made stick and poke on his left hand (he typically covers this by wearing fingerless leather gloves). Because of the events of SR1 his back and legs have burn scars. Older Frank's hair starts to gray at his temples and around his ears, and he has to wear reading glasses.

Frank dresses casually and his clothes often appear well-used; his typical wardrobe consists of worn jeans, tank tops, loose flannels, plain tees, denim vests, and between SR2 and SR3 he starts wearing his signature black leather jacket. One of the nicest clothing items he owns is a black and purple silk shirt, gifted to him by Aisha and Johnny after getting out of prison (and waking up from his coma, ofc.) Frank's staples throughout the series are gold jewelry, diamond stud earrings, fingerless gloves, and black combat boots. His favorite colors are black and (I suppose, by necessity) purple. While he doesn't enjoy the effort, he will occasionally spare the effort to paint his nails black (they often chip easily and quickly, so they never last long.)

Frank has a generally unimpressed disposition. He's level-headed (until he isn't). He's somewhat anti-social, and uninterested in being friendly with those outside of his inner circle. He has a high sense of self and a healthy (too healthy?) ego. To the average person, he may come across as unremarkable as he mostly tries to keep to himself (this is mainly to explain his lack of involvement in SR3 Saints PR/image, he just doesn't want anything to do with it! (extra note: i actually think he would hate people asking him for photos/autographs in sr3 oops) In addition to this, he is deeply, tragically unphotogenic. Don't ask him to smolder and don't ask him to smile!


Frank was born and raised in Stilwater to his single mother, Celia, and honestly, despite her best efforts to not raise a brat, he was kind of a brat.

He struggled in school, with focus but he was also argumentative with both students and, on occasion, teachers. Art made him happy, but he was forced to drop his art elective in favor of catching up in other subjects (high school was a unfun time for him). He was a mama's boy, but frustrations from school turned into him lashing out against her as he got older, and arguments between them became more frequent.

An explosive argument over his lack of direction is what led him to being on that street corner the day Julius found him, and the rest is history!

(except he also has a rly complicated relationship with julius but i hav to nail it down iykyk)

For Fun :>

Frank's name was originally Florencio and I guess it still is, when first developing him I wanted him to have a flowery name, hence: Florencio. But over time, and I'll be honest, I don't remember when it started or exactly how it originated, but I started calling him Frank (which i ultimately decided suits him better) PLUS it follows the pattern of Johnny's name actually being Ji-hoon. (until they retconned his name to be Johnathan instead -_-)

(btw for funsies i like to imagine frank n johnny encountered each other as babies/small children either on a bus or playground or something but it was in passing n very unremarkable :>)

Frank is a Leo, INTJ and Choleric. He is Neutral Evil. (i don't think you get away with certain things in sr2 without being evil 💔)

Frank is artistic! He was the kid always drawing in class, it was something he genuinely enjoyed doing, and had his general school experience been different, it might have been something he could have invested in (wink wink [wip]). Cats are his favorite animal, the apartment complex he grew up in had a strict no animals policy, but he would try to befriend the strays and alley cats in the neighborhood as a child.

What's in his pockets?

  • nondescript prepaid cell phone
  • half-empty roll of mints
  • nearly empty pack of cigarettes and an engraved silver lighter
  • a secondhand brown leather wallet with $200 in assorted large and small bills
  • driver's license (counterfeit)
  • folded gas station reciepts
  • expired library card, expired bus pass
  • mechanic business card (phone number written on back)
  • several different house keys on a key ring with a novelty Stilwater keychain
  • pocket knife, handgun
  • condoms

Frank's Pokemon team would consist of:

  • Liepard the Cruel Pokémon and the evolved form of Purrloin. Well-known for its beauty, Liepard uses the element of surprise when battling opponents, attacking before they can react. // Don't be fooled by its gorgeous fur and elegant figure. This is a moody and vicious Pokémon.
  • Shiny Pangoro This Pokémon is quick to anger, and it has no problem using its prodigious strength to get its way. // It's eager to tussle but kindhearted toward its companions. (note: he would have a Pancham in SR1: It does its level best to glare and pull a scary face, but it can't help grinning if anyone pats its head. // It follows Pangoro around like a henchman. // It chooses a Pangoro as its master and then imitates its master's actions. This is how it learns to battle and hunt for prey. // Wanting to make sure it's taken seriously, Pancham's always giving others a glare. But if it's not focusing, it ends up smiling.)
  • Impidimp the Wily Pokémon. A Dark and Fairy type. Impidimp's nose sucks up negative energy from people who are angry or annoyed with its pranks, giving it health and energy. // The reason this Pokémon causes trouble for those it feels close to is because Impidimp itself gets irritable if it can’t absorb negative emotions. (this is frank incarnate btw)
  • Shiny Glameow It claws if displeased and purrs when affectionate. Its fickleness is very popular among some. (note: this pokemon would not battle)

In Animal Crossing, he would be a Cranky Lion, his phrase would be "chingon", he would have the fitness hobby, prefer black and purple, and he would enjoy a cool or gorgeous style. black biker jacket

Frank is STINK coded. His vibe is STINKY.

As a Homie

Frank would be recruitable as a Homie in a Fight Club Activity.

Frank, as an NPC aka JUST SOME GUY, aka NOBODY, would (unfortunately) be just your average, regular old mall employee; overworked, underpaid, mistreated by customers, and he would absolutely hate his life. To burn off steam after work, he turns to Fight Club! After completing the activity, Playa could recruit him as a homie. (he would be grateful🙏)

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